Ian's Movie Reviews
Short Reviews of Movies, Board Games, and Other Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘top ten

The Ten Best Saturday Night Live Skits

May 22, 2012

Its been a while, I know, but I finally have another list complied. This has been a tough one to put together, since the show spans some 30 odd years. As a result, a lot of favourites have been left off the list. This is definitely one of those lists which could easily be expanded. […]

My Top Ten Movies of the 60s

April 15, 2012

10. The Birds (1963)   The Birds is a movie I honestly didn’t think I would end up liking, thinking its just a silly horror flick.  But it has all of the great Hitchcockisms which make his works so great; fantastic dialogue with lots of wit, and a visual panache for storytelling.  Not to mention […]

My Blu-ray Wishlist

March 9, 2012

2011 was a big year in blu-ray releases: the Star Wars trilogy, the Jurassic Park trilogy, the LOTR extended editions, and many more great releases came to us last year.  2012 also looks to be a great year for blu.  So I decided to make a list of the ten movies I most want to […]

My Top Ten Films of 2011

February 6, 2012

10. Contagion As a former microbiologist, I appreciated this movie a lot.  It provided a very realistic idea of how something like this might go down.  And hey, its pretty much the film version of one of my favourite board games: Pandemic! 9. Moneyball The game about baseball statistics proved to be much more interesting […]

IanTheCool’s 300th Post Spectacular!!!

January 22, 2012

Hey hey everyone!  Well, I’ve reached a blogging milestone: post 300! Though to be honest, I only realized that because of that sidebar wordpress has been putting up after each new post now.  So I have decided to do some shameless self-promotion and reflect back on my blog thus far, and also see where it […]

The Ten Best Movie Taglines

December 3, 2011

10. “Crime is a Disease. Meet the cure.” Cobra This is the representative entry for all of those cheesy yet great macho action movie taglines. The Cobra poster hangs on a vast amount of college dorm walls, probably second only to the poster for Scarface, the most overrated movie in film history. And probably the […]

The Ten Most Important Canadians

October 16, 2011

Okay, time to get a little patriotic with my next list. Its worth noting that the importance of the people on this is are for Canadian people first and foremost, but world influence also has some weight. 10. Terry Fox (1958 – 1981) Its very common to hear about someone who has been diagnosed with […]

My Ten Favourite Small World Races

September 10, 2011

10. Cultists Rounding out my list at #10 is the cultists. I didn’t think I would like the cultists. Perhaps because of the darker theme they invoke, I’m not sure. But they are really quite cool and quite powerful. The Cultists can actually summon Cthulhu( though they don’t actually call him Cthulhu in the game), […]

The Ten Best Movie Sequels

August 19, 2011

10. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Star Trek is one of the most legendary television shows of all time, so there were a lot of expectations when the franchise decided to take its adventures to the big screen. Unfortunately, Star Trek: The Motion Picture was a huge disappointment and did not have […]

The Ten Most Influential People of the 15th Century

August 11, 2011

10. Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446) Art As one of the founding fathers of the Italian Renaissance, Brunelleschi made a modern contribution for all painters that would follow him; the development of linear perspective. Giving Depth through linear perspective is now one of the fundamental bases of art today. Brunelleschi was also a innovative mastermind of architecture […]

The Ten Most Memorable Uses of Songs at the Movies

June 26, 2011

Here’s a little clarification as to what this list is about. The songs chosen re songs which must have existed before production of the movies they were used in. This is a list of the best uses of already existing songs, not original songs written for the movie or soundtrack. 10. Twist and Shout Ferris […]

The Ten Greatest Feats of Architecture

June 8, 2011

10. The Eiffel Tower Paris, France Gustave Eiffel originally designed this amazing monument, which has become France’s foremost cultural icon, for the World Fair in 1889. Believe it or not, it was supposed to be taken down after 20 years. Of course, that didn’t happen and now its one of the most visited monuments in […]

My Top Ten Films of 2010

April 29, 2011

10. The A-Team This is my guilty pleasure movie of the year.  It was exactly what it wanted to be: an all-out action fest with the craziest stunts and the zaniest personalities.  I was very surprised with how much I liked this movie. Alright, now that I’ve lost all credibility, lets continue… 9. Daybreakers Not […]

The Ten Most Important Websites

March 19, 2011

I realize this is going to be a tough list to make, not being a techie myself. And I also realize that the nature of the internet is constantly changing, which means this list will probably be obsolete in, oh, about three minutes. But here it is regardless. 10. Drudge Report Journalism began to change, […]

The Ten Greatest Movie Endings

December 19, 2010

Once again, I am issuing a blanket spoiler warning for my whole next list. None of the entries are too recent, but consider yourself forewarned nonetheless. 10. The Silence of the Lambs (1991) The ending of The Silence of the Lambs provides both closure and open-endedness at the same time. It wraps up the relationship […]