Ian's Movie Reviews
Short Reviews of Movies, Board Games, and Other Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘home theater

The Blu-ray Files #012

September 26, 2011

This is the second part of my two-part review of the Star Wars Blu-ray set.  In the first part I talked about the prequel trilogy and now I will be discussing the original trilogy. Alright, I’m going to start by discussing the bantha in the room: changes.  Of course, many fans are getting up in […]

The Blu-ray Files #007

August 9, 2011

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon – One of my favourite films of last decade looks great in high definition.  The colours are vivid, whether its the lush greens of the spectacular treetop fight, the orange earth tones of the desert flashback, or the excellent black levels of the night scenes.  One thing I did notice is […]

The Blu-ray Files #006

August 5, 2011

On this special edition of The Blu-ray Files I will be looking at the newly released Lord of the Rings Extended Edition trilogy box set.  I will be talking about each movie individually, but I do want to make a comment on the overall packaging itself.  This box set is simply outstanding.  The box is […]