Ian's Movie Reviews
Short Reviews of Movies, Board Games, and Other Stuff


What this movie basically boils down to is that you spend your price of admission to watch Adam Sandler and friends get together and have a good time.  And is it worth it? Absolutely not.  Because that’s really all this movie is; these five actors have decided to get together, do a movie, and goof around with each other.  This makes for some very hit and miss comedy.  Sure there are some hits (though they escape me at the moment), but there are many, many misses.  So many jokes just fall flat.  For example, they keep giving this one little kid a bunch of one-liners thinking it will be funny, but every time his lines are met with theater silence.  Ugh.

The first third of this movie had me going along with it, and I actually somewhat liked it.   The most interesting moments deal with Sandler’s spoiled kids and how Sandler saw a huge contrast between his own active childhood and their lazy ways.  I really think this difference between the generations was quite neat and should have been explored more.  There’s a good movie in there somewhere, its just not to be found here I guess.

However, as this movie went on my dislike for this film grew.  I began to realize that this movie really has no direction or purpose.  There are no solid story-lines holding this thing together at all.  Eventually I was so bored I wished I had brought along a crossword puzzle or something.  And Sandler just can’t seem to get away from his immature gross-out stunts and constant insulting of ugly/old people.  I thought this movie might had had something going for it at first, but it completely lost me in its pointless, unfunny drivel.


One Response to “Grown-Ups”

  1. I agree with you. It was kinda crappy. But I really liked to see these guys in a movie together and see them rag on each other. Is it worth seeing in the theater? Or buying the DVD? Nope. Worth a rental though.

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